It was Daniel's birthday and the BCETA (British Columbian Exchange Teachers' Association) had organised a night at the hockey. The Vancouver Giants were paying the Chilliwack Bruins at the Coliseum. We had third row seats, so we were petty close to the action. The Giants have been doing well this season and it continued with a 3 - 1 scoreline at the end of the game. At one stage the Giants actually had 3 players in the penalty box. The game is played in 3 - 20 minute periods. During the breaks there were blimps flying around the stadium dropping prizes, mascots in crazy cars shooting t-shirts into the crowd, and people from the crowd being slung across the ice on a plastic disk like a rubbish bin lid from a huge slingshot, to see if they could knock down 5 large pins - sort of like ten-pin bowling, but the ball is a person. The puck travels pretty fast - up to 165 kph, and some of the guys are pretty big, and hit pretty hard. They wear padding, but still hit the ice, the perspex sheets and each other pretty hard.
After the game we went to La Casa Gelato ( http://www.lacasagelato.com ). This is an ice cream

shop that has 218 flavours of icecream on display. There is music playing and people going from one end of the shop to the other tasting the flavours before makking their choices. There are flavours of every kind: garlic, wasabi, rice, curry, balsamic vinegar, as well as many more common mixtures and blends. So you could come for a curry and rice, and follow that with white chocolate and raspberry, or mango and guava.
Hey Guys, LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the photos I recently saw on your blog and from Nolas computer.Mark - you are a true photographic artist!
Hope all is well.
Hi O'Halloran Clan! Not sure if my comment went to air.
Again....love,love,love the photos on your blog and the recent shots I saw on Nola O's computer.
Mark you are the true photographic artist!!
Hope all is well!
Love Ali.O.x
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