Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Visitor in the night

11:30 pm and the noises outside seemed to indicate that the downstairs tenant had arrived home. It was strange that the noises seemed to be coming from the garage. I poked my head out the front door to see a shadow near the garage and in front of our car. I wondered what he was doing. It was then that my heart skipped a beat as the shadow moved and I realised that it was a bear. It moved away from the car and across the front lawn. I called to Paula and Bridget that there was a bear going across the yard. We looked out the bedroom window to see a shadow crash through the hedge and into next door's yard. We grabbed some torches and carefully walked down the driveway. I could see it's dark shape walking down the road. It would have been about waist height, or a meter tall, while walking on all fours. It disappeared in between some cars. We heard someone's bin get knocked over and it again appeared on the road. It continued on it's way searching for garbage. When I got back to look around the garage, I saw that our wheelie bin had been knocked over. Lucky that we didn't have any garbage in it.
Yet another reminder of the environment we are living in.

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