The sky was clear and blue so we decided to go up Grouse Mountain for the day. We have a yearly pass, and this allows us to get 4 guests per card up the mountain for half price. We rode the gondola to the top, which takes about 4 - 5 minutes to rise the 850 metres, or 2800 ft. to the top.

First we went to the Birds in Motion show. They talked about the birds and have trained them to fly around and land on perches in the open air stadium. They had an owl, peregine falcon, red-tailed hawk, turkey vulture, and bald eagle. The handlers were a bit worried when Rocco, the bald eagle looked like he was about to fly off into the mountains, They commented that he has been giving them a few problems lately.
After that we walked across to the

grizzly bear enclosure to look at Cooler and Grinder. They were both up and active because they were being fed. The keepers were throwing apples into the enclosure.
Over the loud speakers we heard that the lumberjack show was about to start so we headed to the seating area and waited for the show to start. During the show there are demonstrations of log chopping, axe throwing, tree felling, speed climbing, and log rolling.
We then hopped on a chairlift which took us to the top of the mountain where people were heading up for the views, the zip-line tours, and the parasailing.
On the way down we stopped at the chalet for a drink and to watch the movies at the Theatre in the Sky. We left the mountain via the Sky Tram which has great views of the city and the Capilano Dam.
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